Sunday, 21 April 2019

Drive Carefully

Image result for drive carefully
कृपया ज्यादा जल्दबाज़ी ना करें | गाड़ी को चलाने से पहले आगे पीछे देख लें 

Friday, 19 April 2019

Psychology Part-2

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1. Do you know, facial symmetry is considered as a sign of beauty and attraction around the world

2. A study shows that men who feel hungry often, preferred women with higher weight.

3. A study conducted in United Kingdom found that whenever a woman finds a man attractive, she speaks with a higher pitched voice

4. Evolutionary biologists say that it's better to be average looking, as average features advertise better reproductive health and more diverse set of genes.

5. Studies show that we are more attracted to people who look similar to us.

6. Children who born to their parents in their 30's tend to find older faces more attractive than children born to their parents in their 20's.

7. If you are more attractive then there are chances that, you are less likely to suffer punishment when convicted and even lesser chances to be convicted.

8. In most of the cultures, men find that younger women are more attractive than older women. Whereas women are attracted towards older men.

9. Americans spend more money on beauty enhancements than they do on education per year.

10. Studies show that attractive people exhibit more traits and positive behaviors.

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Thursday, 18 April 2019

Difference Between Li-Polymer and Lithium-ion battery

Lithium-Ion Battery:-

#.It loses actual charging capacity over time
#.High energy density
#. it has capacity to convert the battery into actual power upto 90%
#. It is more volatile as compared to polymer battery
#.It is more cheaper than polymer battery
#. It is heavy in weight as compared to polymer
#.Charging duration is long
Image result for li-ion

Lithium Polymer Battery:-

                                                    #.It retains more charging than other 
                                                    #.It's energy density is low as compared to lithium ion
                                       #.It has low capacity to convert battery into actual power upto 80%
                                                   #.More safely there is less chance of explosion
                                          #.It is more expansive than lithium ion battery
                                                  #.It is light weight than others
                                                    #.comparatively charged within minimum time     
                                                        Image result for difference between li-ion and li-poly      
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Thursday, 11 April 2019

Demat account

Image result for stock market

 Demat Account :-

दोस्तों Demat Account का use stock marketing के लिए किया जाता हैं | इसका use ख़रीदे गए शेयर्स को जमां किया जाता हैं | Demat Account में शेयर्स खरीदने के बाद उसमे रखा जाता हैं और जब कोई हमारे शेयर्स खरीदता हैं तो वो हमारे Demat Account से निकल कर उस व्यक्ति के Demat Account में add हो जाते हैं  | Shares एक तरह से स्टॉक(Godown ) होता हैं  और जब कोई stock खरीदने वाला आता हैं तो वो उन्हें बेच देते हैं | जो लोग stocks/shares पर पैसा invest करते हैं उन्हें हम stackholders कहते हैं | हमारे भारत में साल 1996 में shares को जमा करना शुरू कर दिया था | पहले ये सब डिजिटल फॉर्म में ना होकर physically होता था मतलब documents के फॉर्म में। जिसका मतलब उन documents को संभाल कर रखना पड़ता था . जो की मुश्किल था। लेकिन technology के चलते ये सब डिजिटल हो गया हैं। और जब भी हम अपने शेयर्स को बेचना चाहते हैं या खरीदना चाहते हैं तो हमे demat account की जरूरत पड़ती हैं

और कुछ trading  apps हैं जिनके जरिये आप stocks/shares खरीद या बेच कर पैसा कमा सकते हैं
  . AngelBrocking.
  .Google Finance
  .Yahoo Finance

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God Bless You 



The Alstom Coradia ILINT is an articulated train and it is manufactured by Alstom 1999. As it's acronym LINT is an short German "leichter innovativor Nahverkehrestriebwagen" (light innovative local transport rail vehicle). It is designed by Linke-Hofmann-Busch(Acquired 1996 by Alstom) and has been distributed as part of Alstom Coradia Family.

1.It is first hydrogen operated train.
2.Zero Emissions(No Gas use).
3.Total Economically(Good for Ecosystem,No pollution)

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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

why dogs bark to the cars

Image result for dogs barking

कुत्तों को हमने अक्सर गाड़ियों के पीछे भागते हुए देखा है | लेकिन वो ऐसा क्यों करते हैं इसके बारे में हर कोई नहीं जनता | इसके पीछे एक chemistry हैं | हम जानते हैं की कुत्तों की सूंघने की शक्ति सबसे तेज़ होती हैं।  इसलिए वो अपना इलाका तय करे हुए होते हैं और अपनी पहचान बनाने के लिए जगह -जगह टॉयलेट करते हैं | जब भी कोई अनजान इंसान या कोई कुत्ता उनके इलाके से निकलता हैं तो तुरंत उस पर भोंकना शुरू कर देते हैं ये बताने के लिए की वो इलाका उनका अपना हैं
कभी -कभी हमारी गाड़ियों के टायरो पर टॉयलेट करते हैं ये जताने के लिए की ये अब उनकी प्रॉपर्टी हैं और सबूत के तोर पर वे उनके नीचे बैठ जाते हैं

उम्मीद करता हूँ की ये आपको पसंद आया होगा|  अगर पसंद आया हो तो मेरे ब्लॉग को फॉलो करिये

Thank You

Monday, 8 April 2019

Psychology Facts(Part-1)

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1 Controlling Facial Muscles can help control your anger. Studies have shown that if you don't frown when you're angry, you won't feel the emotion in much intensity.

2.Anger is more than just an emotion, it actually has physiological effects that occur alongside of it. These range from racing heartbeats, sweating, and increase in blood pressure.

3.It's not as simple as just being either angry or not- it's a bit more complicated than that. Think of it as if on a scale. There are varying degrees of anger ranging from annoyed to rage.

4.It's usually some outside factor that you feel leads to you becoming angry. However, there are many factors that can make you more susceptible to feeling that anger. These are things such as hunger, heat, exhaustion, dehydration, or other circumstances of annoyance.

5.One thing that has been shown to consistently combat anger is humor. Not only do most people enjoy humor, but it break the attention and stress caused by feeling angry and refocuses it on something less physiologically taxing.

Difference Between Computer (PC) and Laptop

There are many features that are quit different from Computer(PC) and Laptop. But these are the major differences:
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1.Computer(PC) is an non-portable it is very hard to take it one place to another.
2.It is cheaper than a laptop.
3.We can easily assamble it's hardware.
4.While using a computer(PC) we need many resources like separate keyboard, and mouse also.
5.To connect with internet we need data traveler or wifi-dongle.

Image result for laptop
#Laptop(Light-weight Analytical Platform Total Optimizing Power):
1.Laptop is completely portable. We can easily use it anywhere.
2.It is expansive than a computer(PC).
3.We can not assamble it.
4.We don't need to use other resources with it because everything is installed in it.
5.There is no need to use data traveling devices because everything is completely in-built in it.
6.The first laptop is developed by OSBORNE Computers(In 1982). It was a huge success in computer world to operate  portable computer.

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Sunday, 7 April 2019

The Palk Starit

Image result for palk strait
The Palk Strait is a strait between the Tamil Nadu state of India and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of the island nation of Sri Lanka. It connects the Bay of Bengal in the northeast with Palk Bay in the southwest. The strait is 53 to 82 kilometres wide.

Width: 82,000 m
Location: Laccadive Sea–Bay of Bengal
Part-of: Indian Ocean